Circuit gay bar chicago

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She has been named an Illinois Leading Lawyer for 2016 in commercial litigation and one of Chicago’s Notable Women Lawyer’s by Crain’s Chicago Business for 2018. She has served on the Judicial Evaluation Committee for the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago.

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She argued in front of the Illinois and Wisconsin appellate courts as well as the federal courts of appeals for the Seventh and Fifth Circuits and has prepared appeals in the Eleventh Circuit. Browne joined the Patterson law Firm, LLC in September 2005.

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Browne also practices in the area of education advocacy, representing parents like herself who have children with special needs to obtain services from their school districts. Class action work has provided her with the opportunity to hone her skills at complex litigation–everything from how orange juice is made to the intricacies of the mortgage backed securities market. the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago and Chicago Bar.

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She also represented businesses in breach of contract cases, control disputes and trademark infringement actions. Among the awards presented to her have been the Chicago Bar Association Defense of. Kristi Browne spent most of her career as a plaintiffs’ class action attorney representing individuals in consumer fraud, securities, mortgage fraud, antitrust, ERISA and employment cases.

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